Start Planning to Protect Your Assets

With a Personal Trust

For many, the terms “insurance planning and trusts” are thought to apply only to the affluent. Insurance planning and trusts, however, are no longer exclusively for the wealthy. In fact, millions of Americans are planning their future using trusts. Why? Because over the past two decades, significant increases in income, real estate, property and other investments have helped increased their values. This period of wealth building is now transitioning into a period of preservation. Trusts represent a popular, effective way to protect assets and transfer them to the next generation.

No such thing as a standard trust

Each trust is customized in one form or another to meet a family’s financial needs and goals. Thus, trusts come in many types. For example, a testamentary trust is usually created by your will and becomes effective upon your death. A living trust, as the name suggests, is created during your lifetime. It may be either revocable (may be altered, amended or even terminated) or irrevocable (usually cannot be changed or terminated).

What a Trust Can Do For You

Transferring assets to a trust may provide the following benefits:

      • Holding vehicle? “Holding vehicle for life insurance proceeds to be collected upon your death”
      • Provide for your child’s education or the care of a handicapped dependent
      • Supplement your retirement or pension plans
      • Protect against the mismanagement or non-management of your assets in the event you become ill or incapacitated
      • Reduce the out of taxes you pay, especially regarding estate taxes

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